It is clear powers that be in Abia PDP have not learnt their lessons - Ncheta Omerekpe fumes

Following the death of the PDP acclaimed Governorship Candidate in the forthcoming elections slated for the 11th of March,2023, our principal, Ncheta Omerekpe, Offor ndi Igbo have been receiving delegations from different political groups and associates urging him to join the race for another primaries as announced by the PDP Abia Chapter. In the light of events over the last few days, we state the position of our principal, Ncheta Omerekpe vis-à-vis’ the current happenings:

1. That is no longer a news that Ncheta Omerekpe participated in all the processes leading to the last PDP governorship primaries which he would have won on a landslide if not that the gang of looters of Abia State treasury hijacked and manipulated the process, the rest is history. 

2. Following the death of the State Governorship Candidate (May His Soul rest in peace) we expected the PDP Abia State chapter to apologize and do the right thing. For instance, the purchase of governorship form, expression of interest form and all other process leading to the clearance of the aspirants that participated in the last primaries cost each aspirant nothing less than 70million Naira. 

2. The PDP constitution and conventions states that in an event of death or resignation of a candidate, it is only those who participated and were cleared in the previous process will be allowed to partake in the new process. But in the case of Abia State PDP chapter, the leaders of the party and the powers that be in the state are insisting that everybody should purchase a new form and start the process over again, is this fair? 

3. The Abia State PDP caucus met and resolved that the replacement of the late candidate will be from Isiala Ngwa North, meaning that our principal, Ncheta Omerekpe who participated and was cleared during the last primaries would have been allowed to run unchallenged. Yet, the leaders of the party and their cohorts will not allow sense of reasoning to prevail. The question is, who is afraid of Ncheta Omerekpe’s emergence?  

4. A reliable source has informed us of the scheming process used by the PDP Abia State Chapter to present a well known fraudster from Isiala Ngwa North as the next PDP Governorship Candidate, God forbid! If this is true, it means that these gang of looters have not learnt their lessons from the events over the last days, they will be disgraced finally by the Almighty God. 

5. If they finally present this well known fraudster, Abians should ask him just three questions, what business has he done over the years? Where has he worked before? What business was he doing before he was drafted into the government? 

6. Ncheta Omerekpe, unlike the other desperate looters have done projects cutting across different political zones in the area of road construction, youth empowerment, scholarships, free medical outreach where he has treated over 300,000 Abia residents. All these great feats are verifiable. Ncheta Omerekpe have done so many projects that none of the candidates can not do. We challenge each one of them to show what he has done for the society at large. Ncheta Omerekpe is not desperate to be the Governor of Abia State but only had one goal, which is to liberate Abia State from the hands of representatives of Satan who are after people’s livelihood. 

7. In the light of the above, Ncheta Omerekpe will not descend to the level of these desperate urchins and therefore will not present himself to a manipulated process that emanated from the pit of hell. Ncheta Omerekpe’s stance on the above issues have been communicated to party’s national body. 

Ncheta Omerekpe calls on his teaming supporters to remain calm and peaceful. 

Professor Larne Amoo
Media Consultant to Ncheta Omerekpe.

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