Seeking Buhari's intervention is a continued Insult to Ndigbo. Abia Renaissance Movement Condemns Hon. Obi Aguocha

The Abia Renaissance Movement, a pro-democracy group, strongly condemns the recent actions of Hon. Obi Aguocha, the House of Representatives member representing Ikwuano, Umuahia North, and Umuahia South Federal Constituency. 

We find his visit to former President Muhammadu Buhari in Daura, Katsina State, to seek intervention for the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu deeply troubling and misguided.

Hon. Aguocha's attempt to involve a former president who is no longer in office in the delicate and highly sensitive matter of Nnamdi Kanu's incarceration appears to be an unnecessary move to score cheap political points. It is worth noting that Muhammadu Buhari, during his tenure, was not responsive to the appeals of prominent Igbo leaders, including the late Chief Mbazuruike Amaechi, who sought a resolution to Kanu's situation. Therefore, it is perplexing that Hon. Aguocha would now seek Buhari's intervention.

As a pro-democracy organization, we believe that Hon. Aguocha's actions are not only ill-advised but also disrespectful to the Igbo race. His visit to Buhari undermines the legitimate efforts and aspirations of the Igbo people for justice and equity. The Igbo race should not be stooped so low as to beg a former president who consistently turned a deaf ear to their pleas for fairness and justice.

We urge Hon. Aguocha to exercise caution and wisdom in his political maneuvers. Instead of seeking help from a former president, he should focus on engaging with the current administration led by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. It is President Tinubu who currently holds the power to engage in dialogue and initiate a political solution for Nnamdi Kanu. Evasion of the sitting president while seeking favor from his predecessor is not only politically ineffective but also counterproductive.

Hon. Aguocha’s recent actions are particularly disappointing given his leadership of a group of fifty House of Representatives legislators who signed a letter appealing to President Tinubu. This letter requested the intervention of the Honourable Attorney General and Minister of Justice to invoke relevant constitutional and legal provisions to facilitate Kanu's release. Such efforts should be directed towards the current administration, which has the authority to act on these matters.

In conclusion, the Abia Renaissance Movement calls on Hon. Obi Aguocha to reassess his strategy and align his efforts with the legitimate aspirations of the Igbo people. Engaging with the current administration and leveraging the power structures in place today will be far more effective in seeking justice for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and promoting national reconciliation. Our focus must remain on constructive and pragmatic approaches that uphold the dignity and aspirations of our people and not a move that will further ridicule the remaining dignity of  the entire Igbo Race.

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