Set Policies to Curb Rising Food Prices, Igbo World Union President tells Federal, State Govts

In a statement made available to newsmen today, President Igbo World Union (IWU), His Imperial Majesty Sir Amb Mishak Nnanta (KJW), Gburugburu Ndigbo Dum has urged both federal and state governments to develop and implement effective policies to address the alarming rise in food prices. 
His call comes amid growing concerns about the impact of soaring food costs on the nation's economy and the wellbeing of its citizens.

In his statement, Sir Mishak Nnanta highlighted the urgent need for coordinated action to stabilize the market and ensure food security for all. 

"The rising prices of food commodities are a significant concern that affects every household. It is imperative that our governments take immediate steps to mitigate this issue and protect the livelihoods of our people," he decried.

Gburugburu Ndigbo Dum emphasized that the increase in food prices not only burdens consumers but also has broader economic implications. He pointed out that higher costs of essential commodities could lead to increased inflation, reduced purchasing power, and heightened economic inequality.

To address these challenges, His Imperial Majesty proposed a series of measures for the federal and state governments to consider. 
These include boosting agricultural production through investment in modern farming techniques, providing subsidies to farmers to reduce production costs, and enhancing supply chain efficiency to minimize waste and ensure fair pricing.

He also called for greater oversight and regulation of the food market to prevent price manipulation and hoarding by unscrupulous traders.

 "Transparent and accountable market practices are essential to maintaining fair prices. The Government must take a proactive stance in monitoring and regulating the market to protect consumers from exploitation," he added.

Sir Mishak Nnanta's appeal has resonated with various stakeholders, including consumer advocacy groups and agricultural associations, who have expressed their support for immediate government intervention. 
They believe that with the right policies in place, the nation can overcome the current challenges and pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable food system.

As the nation grapples with the issue of rising food prices, the call from His Imperial Majesty Sir Mishak Nnanta serves as a timely reminder of the need for decisive and collective action. 

It remains to be seen how the federal and state governments will respond to this urgent appeal and what measures they will implement to safeguard the interests of their citizens.

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