Abia Assembly Chief Whip Emeka Obioma, Emphasizes Need for Political Education, Democratic Values

In a recent address, Hon. Emeka Tommy Obioma,  Abia Assembly Chief Whip and Umuahia South Rep emphasized the importance of political parties serving as platforms for democratic expression rather than instruments of conflict.

Speaking at a well-attended public forum, Hon. Obioma called for a renewed commitment to peaceful political engagement and dialogue.

"Political parties are not instruments of war," Obioma asserted. 
"They are meant to be vehicles for the articulation of diverse viewpoints, the promotion of policies, and the fostering of national development."

He further highlighted the role of political parties in strengthening democracy, urging party leaders and members to focus on issues that matter to the citizens rather than resorting to inflammatory rhetoric and actions that could lead to violence.

"Our democracy is still growing, and we must all play our part in ensuring it thrives. This means engaging in healthy debates, respecting differing opinions, and working together for the common good," he said.

The Lawmaker also stressed the need for political education and the promotion of democratic values to prevent conflicts and ensure a more inclusive political process.

As the nation moves forward, Hon. Obioma's words serve as a reminder of the fundamental purpose of political parties and the critical role they play in shaping the country's future.

His call for peace and unity stands as a beacon for all political figures to prioritize the nation's well-being above partisan interests.

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